Herding Working Test and trial TS1

12.10.2013 FCI-HWT
Organisation BCCD
Location: Iserlohn - Germany (Hannah Richter)
Judge: Winfried Scheld

13.10.2013 TS1
Organisation BCCD
Location: Iserlohn - Germany (Hannah Richter)
Judge: Winfried Scheld

Info and subscribtion Kerstin Kirsch - shaded.dreams@t-online.de - http://www.bccd.de

WBCB at Jackie's place

WBCB visited the Glebes Farm in Nord Yorkshire with Enid, Khemze, Lloyd, Farouche, Lennox, Zohra en Naessa for four days of intensive training.


Working Bearded Collies Belgium did some practical herding training last weekend at the JJ Ranch . We had a great time and learned a lot.

Herding Clinic with Jackie Goulder in Belgium

On 22,23 and 24 march, Jackie Goulder came over to Belgium to give the WBCB a boost in herding. She gave us many tips to work on, we wish we had a Jackie living in Belgium ;-) Unfortunaly the weathergods hade other plans, althougs spring was in the air temperatures were freezing cold with a patch of snow, but real 'sheperds' are tough, they don't mind a bit of cold ;-)

Jackie explaining the do's and don'ts